Using Fondant

Using fondant to cover your cakes will give them a smooth, neat and professional finish.  In order to achieve the best cake cover there are a few important points to follow.


1. It is really important that you prepare the cake surface first before covering as it will help you achieve a smoother and neater finish.

2. We highly recommend using ganache to achieve this smooth and sturdy foundation for the fondant cover. When making the ganache, using a couverture chocolate will ensure that it sets firm and provides the ideal surface to cover (please see our 'Icing recipes' section for the ganache recipe).

Rolling out the Fondant: 

Before rolling out your fondant, knead it until you get a workable consistency. Then roll out the fondant using a non stick rolling pin until it is approx. 2-3mm thick. If you are using fondant for the first time it can be easier to work with if it is rolled a little thicker to prevent tearing.

To prevent the fondant from sticking to your bench tops you can use cornflour. You can also use a non stick mat like a pastry mat if you do not have any suitable surfaces to work on.

When you have rolled out the fondant make sure you cover your cake straight away as the fondant will dry out and crack if left for too long.


Firstly lightly brush some sugar syrup or a very small amount of water over the cake to give the fondant something to adhere to. 

Lift up your rolled piece of fondant and drape over the top of the cake. The key is to work quickly and start by smoothing the fondant over the top edges and working your way down the cake. We highly recommend using a cake smoother to create the smooth finish on your cake.